Institut für
gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Forschung, Bildung &
Information (Institut FBI)
Innsbruck, Austria
A non-university based Science Shop operational
since 1991, Institut FBI bridges the gap between the university
and the public by making advanced knowledge accessible,
understandable and applicable for a broad public. It serves as a
link between academia and society and between theory and
practice, on issues related to research, society and culture
with a special focus on women and gender issues.
Major research topics currently include:
- theory and praxis of knowledge transfer,
- conditions of employment and career issues for freelance
scientists and
- Bubenarbeit
(gender sensitive education).
The team consists of 3 female researchers ( Mag. Andrea Gnaiger,
Dr. Gabriela Schroffenegger and Dr. Annemarie
Institute FBI is/was involved in the following EU projects:
(Study and Conference on Improving Public Access to Science
through Science Shops),
- AMIGRA (esf project), BILDUNGSWEGWEISER (esf project) and AQUA
(esf project). In these projects Institut FBI is responsible for
gender mainstreaming (2002-2004).